Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We need to stop the Bullying

I am a firm believer in the stop the bullying.. I myself was bullied as a kid and to this day still on occasion feel the hurt it caused.. I am now having to deal with my daughter who is being bullied.. Well I call hell no she is my world. I went to the school and laid down the law. I refuse for anyone to disrespect my child weather it be another child or an adult. She deserves and I demand respect for her and her beliefs. I am pleased at the out come of the meeting and if the bullying persists I will find a lawyer.. The bullying needs to stop we as parents need to take this awful situation and make it disappear. We need to find the reasons why bully's well bully.. Children aren't mean just to be mean usually there is a cause lets stop denying that fact and find the cause so we can cure this awful situation... We as adults need to respect kids and there thoughts and ideas because without us respecting them how are they gonna respect us or each other.. Or even worse themselves to many children have turned to drugs and violence to make it stop. We need to here there cries and help them...

Today ask your children if they know what respect and if they feel as though they are....

Love to all the children and my beautiful strong daughter

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, as you know I support the anti bully cause...I was bullied as a child and my children have been bullied at one point or another over the years...and I agree that we can not expect children to be respectful, if they are not treated with respect. Bullying, is taught. They are learning from their peers and their parents...Which is really sad. I hope that things get better for her and all kids who are bullied!
