Saturday, April 30, 2011

May Birthstone Emerald

May has the birthstone of Emerald..
The Egyptians called emeralds the "stone of spring" and is dedicated to eternal youth.
Emerald symoblizes psychic powers, purity and immortality, it is also said to calm seas and ensure safe travels. 
Also know as the truth stone and helps to reveal illusions.The Emerald also helps to aid in migraine relief and treating eye strain.
In this day the emerald is used for the healing powers and grounding to the earth the rich green coloring is a representation of the earth in it beginning blooms...
Happy Birthday to all the May folks...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blue Orchids

So I Just found these amazing flowers.. Blue Orchids I am in deep love with them.. So beautiful and elegant.. I will be using them when I renew my vows for sure....

 This will be my bouquet

The most amazing cake ever I fell in love with it...

Meaning of the Blue Orchid: Luxury, Decadence, Love, Beauty, Vitality, Strength,
Desire, Peace, Tranquility, Power...

Stunning flower I do say... 
Have a upside down kinda day(:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Flamingo is a bird with many faces. They live in large flocks and are seldom seen on their own. Living in large groups gives them a sense of security and protection. Those with this totem feel comfortable and safe in groups. They have difficulty being alone or on their own. they are followers rather than leaders and need to pay attention to what they are following and make sure that it honors their personal truth.

  The ability to change colors gives them the magical properties associated with illusion and shape shifting. Those who hold this medicine have the ability to appear to be what they are not.   This ability serves as a disguise when appropriate and allows them to slide in and out of situations gracefully. They make excellent actors and performers.

The word Flamingo comes from the Latin word flame.  The Egyptians revered the flamingo as a living embodiment of the sun God Ra.  Because the eye of the flamingo is actually larger than its brain they are associated with clear sightedness.  Flamingos see exceptionally well but  they are not always able to interpret what they see efficiently.  This is one reason why they live in groups. They rely on one another and work with group consciousness rather than individual awareness.

Although those with this totem have psychic abilities they need to strengthen the reasoning powers of the mind using their logic and intuition before making decisions and remember to weigh all sides of a situation before taking action. 

Flamingos have a long life span.  They are social birds and are very vocal.  They are extremely sensitive to loud noises and chaotic situations and will flee from them instantaneously.  They teach us how to follow suit and not engage in situations that are detrimental to us on any level.
Flamingos breed for life and are loyal to their partners.  They have the longest migration of any other bird.  Those with this totem are dedicated to their choices, loyal to their causes and have a tendency to reach further than most to accomplish their goals. 

So recently I have realized that I love flamingos I feel drawn to them not just for there whimsical design and coloring but now I realize for what they represent and how they are a piece of me... Enjoy them and there amazing color...
In the words of Lewis Carroll's Alice
These birds are curiouser and curiouser....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clothes I must have for Spring and Summer

Found these amazing clothes from Kohls so in love with them.. Best part they aren't crazy expensive
Happy Dressing...

Saturday, April 9, 2011



Has many amazing property's indeed. As a tea it helps
aid in sleep and relaxation.Can be used in incense for meditations or
pathworking. Placed in a bath helps to attract Love.
Also an herb for purification and cleansing..
POWERS: money,sleep,love,meditation
ELEMENT: water
GENDER: masculine

I try to drink 1 cup of chamomile tea before bed. However the effects can be very fast acting
so I wouldn't recommend driving after having this cup of tea..
I do choose to use the actual herb instead of the store bought so the potency is stronger.
Have a relaxing tea drinking night....

Friday, April 8, 2011

April birthstone Diamonds

April has the birthstone of Diamond..
The word Diamond comes from the Greek word adamas meaning unconquerable. 
The Diamond is known as the "ruler of the stones" because of the ability to cut any other stone.
More than just beauty diamonds have been used for centuries for healing, dreaming, storing energy, and to aid purification..
But of course the most common thing for diamonds to be used for these days is for engament rings..
Folklore has it that diamonds are a symbol of everlasting love..
So enjoy  the beauty and rare power of the Diamond..
Happy Birthday to all the April folks...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Amazing Shoes

Found these amazing Louboutin Shoes I am in love. Best part found them for less than what they usually are now I have something to work towards other then the obvious lol.. 
Hope you all have a great day..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Venus Razor

Bought this razor yesterday. The best razor I have ever used not only did I not have to use shaving cream at all but my legs felt great super soft no red bumps anywhere ;) and no razor burn.. I am in love...
I got it at Target, but it is worth the price to try it and love it and it doesn't cost anymore than the regular..
So get your summer legs ready..
Happy Shaving :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Parents

There wedding day in 1982

senior prom

These amazing people are my parents... I am a very lucky person to have them in my life. I love them both dearly and no matter the dumb ass things I have done in my past they have loved and nurtured me anyway always keeping me safe and feeling loved.. I am the luckiest person in the world to have my Mom and Dad still not only married and deeply in love but always willing to give me love and wisdom when I need it.. Thank you for being my parents love to you both always...
Your daughter Consuela